This or That Challenge: My 20

Jesse Wilson
5 min readJan 28, 2023
Twenty Number Wall Gray This and That Challenge
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

With gratitude and thanks to Som Dutt for the gracious invite.

I didn’t want to overthink this, so I set myself the challenge to respond and edit my answers in under 30 minutes. Here goes.

1. Resolutions or No Resolutions?

Resolutions are an interesting one. I used to religiously make resolutions for a number of years but soon found myself come the end of January struggling to maintain them.

So for the last few years, I have done away with resolutions and focused on goals, dreams and intentions instead, so no resolutions for me.

2. Mountains or Ocean?

Oceans, without a doubt. One of my fondest memories is our last family holiday before the pandemic standing by the shores of the Mediterranean sea in Tuscany.

I can picture it now, hearing, seeing and feeling the turquoise sea with the sun and the warm breeze across my face.

3. Fiction or Nonfiction?

This depends, but that said, the majority of what I read is generally non-fiction. I enjoy self-help and personal development books.

Occasionally I will read fiction for the escape because there is nothing better than exploring the imagination beyond the confines of…



Jesse Wilson

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.